平面麻輪 (YDS) 多層棉布及麻布交叉疊放,再用純棉線螺旋車縫而成,適合金屬之平面研磨。使用壽命長,棉布之吸附研磨劑佳,削切力強。適合于手動機器和自動機器操作。 Disc Sisal Buff (YDS) with sisal layers,or cloth layers and sisal la-yers stitc-hed to each other to the desired thickn-ess, these buff aresu-itab le for flat surface buf-fing, both in manual and automat-ic operation . Co-tton interleaves improve the polishing performance. Long service life; good retention of polishing com-pounds; high cutting power. |